SCTA is the designated recipient of the federal Section 5307 and 5339 funds for public transportation facilities, vehicles and services located to the Lancaster, PA and Reading, PA Urbanized Areas. As the designated recipient and based on federal guidelines, SCTA is required to draft a Program of Projects identifying the proposed projects to be advanced with the designated funds.
A copy of the proposed Program of Projects for FFY 2022-2023 is available by clicking on the link below.
Two public hearings will be held on the proposed Program of Projects.
One hearing will be held in Lancaster, PA on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 5:00 PM at the SCTA Lancaster Headquarters, 45 Erick Road, Lancaster, PA. A virtual option will also be provided via GoToMeeting; please see below for the details:
You can also dial in using your phone:
United States (Toll Free): 1-877-309-2073
United States: +1 (646) 749-3129
A second hearing will be held in Reading, PA on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM at the SCTA Reading Office, 1700 North Eleventh Street, Reading, PA. A virtual option will also be provided via GoToMeeting; please see below for the details:
You can also dial in using your phone:
United States (Toll Free): 1-877-309-2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
If you wish to comment on the proposed Program of Projects and cannot attend the public hearings, you may submit written comments to SCTA, Proposed Program of Projects, 45 Erick Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 or email at by the close of business on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Comments received will become part of the hearing record and presented to the SCTA Board.
The proposed Program of Projects for FFY 2022-2023 will be presented to the SCTA Board for consideration at its meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Proposed FFY 2022-23 Program of Projects
Programa de Proyectos Propuesto Para el Ano Fiscal 2022-23