Managing BARTA & RRTA public transit services in Berks County & Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Procurement & Sales




Notice is hereby given that the South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is seeking proposals for HVAC Equipment Maintenance and Repair services.  The requested services will be performed at SCTA’s facilities in Lancaster, PA and Reading, PA:

SCTA Headquarters and Lancaster Operations Center, 45 Erick Road, Lancaster, PA

Queen Street Station, 225 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA

Queen Street Station Parking Garage, North Queen and East Chestnut Streets, Lancaster, PA

Reading Operations Center and Administrative Facility, 1700 North 11th Street, Reading, PA

BARTA Transportation Center, 8th and Cherry Street, Reading, PA

Franklin Street Station, Franklin Street, between 6th and 8th Streets, Reading, PA.

The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) will receive proposals online electronically via PennBid ( from qualified firms until 2:00 PM, prevailing time, on Thursday, October 31, 2024.  Proposals shall be evaluated and the results will be posted via PennBid.

All documents, specifications and solicitation details are available at no cost electronically at PennBid –

Two (2) non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Meetings will be held.   The Pre-Proposal Meeting for the Lancaster facilities will begin at Queen Street Station, 225 North Queen Street, in downtown Lancaster, PA on Wednesday, October 9, beginning at 10:00 a.m.  The Pre-Proposal Meeting for the Reading facilities will begin at the BARTA Transportation Center, 8th and Cherry Street, in downtown Reading, PA on Thursday, October 10, beginning at 11:00 a.m.  An opportunity to visit each of the facilities will be provided as part of the Pre-Proposal Meetings.

All proposals and contracts are subject to all applicable state and federal laws and to a financial assistance contract between the South Central Transit Authority, the County of Berks, the County of Lancaster, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration.

SCTA solicits and encourages disadvantaged business enterprise participation.  DBE’s shall be afforded full consideration of their response and will not be subject to discrimination.

For information, contact Kevin Hessler, Assistant Director of Capital Projects & Planning at (610) 406-4507 or